Mural Restoration Expert Removes Iconic Mosaic Mural From David O. McKay Building Prior To Demolition

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Back on June 21st, I posted on Facebook ( and … request “Friends”, leave a thumbs up, leave a comment?) that we were part of a team to save an iconic and historic mosaic mural on the North Shore of Oahu at BYU-Hawaii. The iconic mural has greeted visitors to the entrance of Brigham Young University-Hawaii Pacific cultures educational center for many decades and has been widely published.

Well, a week or so ago, we completed the removal of the entire cement wall, saving 100% of the historic mosaic mural in good condition, and have it documented for the architects and admin who will determine its reinstallation at an unknown future time. It was 1 of 3 murals in the entrance of the university. The other 2, I removed from their walls last Dec. 2023 which are also waiting for details of their reinstallation. The previous two murals were painted in oil on canvas and were adhered to the wall. Each of these murals measures 11′ high by 33′ wide. We’ve been working with Okland Construction Co. on this project. Whereas most murals are made of ceramic or stone, this mosaic was made at a workshop in Venice, Italy out of glass tesserae.

The concept (it is not an image captured of an actual event) of the mosaic mural is by the artist, Edward Grigware, which came to represent Hawaii becoming a State of the USA and the establishing of the educational center for all Pacific cultures.

Obviously, after the facing-carrier-armature-protective layers were applied to the surface of the mosaic, then we couldn’t see the composition to guide the removal process. So, I made a map of the mural and transferred it to the front of these layers to guide us.

This is the completed map showing the planned removal. But, it turned out that we were able to remove the mosaic in much larger pieces thereby resulting in 75% fewer cuts. With this map, every piece is documented and can be put back together like a puzzle. This is, actually, the way the mosaic mural was made (then shipped) to the installation site originally… in 1 ft sq. pieces and then put together like a puzzle.

Kory Ates and Mike Terry from Okland Construction assisted me in the removal process. In all, I think we lifted about 4,000 lbs of mosaic and cement off the wall!

Here is the mosaic mural wall… without the mural, which has been removed with its cement wall.

Each section of the mosaic mural is numbered and inventoried, then stored according to its position on the wall for easy retrieval. Each pallet has the entire mural map and also paperwork with more precise details. We now await the plans from admin and architects to plan out the restoration process.

The restoration process will include removing the 1″-2″ cement layer from the back of the mosaic, consolidating any loose pieces/tesserae, applying new grout from the back, adhering the mosaic to a new support or backing, removing and cleaning the facing-carrier-armature-protective layers which were applied to the surface of the mosaic, and then any fine tuning for appearance sake.

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Questions? Call Scott M. Haskins, Art Conservator

805 570 4140

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This project has been of special interest to many who identify with BYU-H, etc… so, spread this or share this with members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and BYU–Hawaii Alumni! Send them the URL.

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Saving Fire, Smoke and Water Damage Art and Family Collectibles from Family Home in Los Angeles

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Last week we were very sad to be called in to follow up on a fire in a family home. Yet, we were able to see the joy on the faces of the family when we were able to help them find and determine quite a few items that could be cleaned up and saved. This is a particularly emotional moment, especially when irreplaceable family history items are saved.

Smoke, fire and water damage to a family home last week to which we assisted to save art related items and family history collectibles

A few years ago, FACL was asked to be the Expert Witness for damage and clean up estimates from smoke, fire and water damage for art related items in the law-suits representing 160 homeowners in Montecito, California against PG&E after the Thomas Fire. That quickly also included the resulting “debris flow” mudslides from the rains that followed the fire that was so devastating. Then, on the heels of those two disasters, the Woolsey Fire (which was started by more faulty electrical equipment) took out homes from the ocean, over a mountain range and to the inland freeways. FACL was the Expert Witness for damage and clean up estimates for art related items smoke, fire and water damage in settling another 150+ claims for homeowners.

While many home owners, take the money and run and don’t save, preserve and restore their artwork, or even their family history items… There are many people who have a hard time “getting over” the loss of the history of their family. The woman who owned this house that was lost in the devastating Santa Barbara Cave Fire of 1990 still mourns, 30+ years later, over the fact that she doesn’t have any photos of her babies and children growing up even though she was a scrapbook enthusiast.

Consider the value of these family history items to prompt memories and the retelling of stories in a family. They document the family’s history. In short, they contain an important part of the family’s memory and keep the heritage alive in the minds of the future generations. Throwing these types of items out results in grave multigenerational consequences.

So, the take away for you from our experience this week, of wandering through charred remains of the household is that there are many options when it comes to saving family history and art from disasters and though you may see the situation as hopeless, lets us give you some input from a different, professional perspective. Here is Virginia Panizzon, one of our veteran Art Conservators reclaiming the painting of a great grandfather that was claimed as lost or ruined by the insurance company but was actually returned to pre-damaged condition.

Art conservator, Virginia Panizzon, cleaning water damage on paintings

Professional art conservators have the expertise to mitigate the effects of water damage on paintings.

We can help you “dial in” your insurance claim and coach you with you claims adjuster so you can have a chance for a much better insurance claim settlement. At this point, you may have questions… or you may know someone going through the painful process of recouping after a disaster. Feel free to call us for a friendly, unbiased chat. The least that will happen from your phone call is that you’ll learn to ask better questions to your claims adjuster.

Here are a couple of “alerts” to help you

More damage to art and family history collectibles was done from careless handling than by the disaster.

While a household item like throw rugs, dishes, toys can be treated with household products to minimize odors, the same products and handling are going to cause damage to frames, art and antiques, vintage items, memorabilia and heirlooms.

Damage to these types of items often results in frustration and the item being thrown out. Such was the case last weekend when there was a disconnect between the father and the adult son. The son went on the search for professional services to take care of odors and mold on 3 paintings by the grandmother and dad decided to hit the artwork with a rag and an off-the-shelf cleaner and stain remover. Before we could get over to the house to inspect and answer questions the next morning, the two items the dad worked on had been thrown away and only 1 of 3 paintings were saved. There was a “lively” family discussion that resulted with many badly hurt feelings.

Are you going to throw away Grandma?

Whether its good art or not, it was painted by grandma

If you happen to have items that have a monetary value, you can imagine the compromised value if it smells badly, is mold infested or is dirty from smoke.

Fire cooked this gorgeous Pre-Raphaelite 19th century oil painting

and smoke damage choked the colors and composition.

Odors and mold also prompt physical reactions such as rashes, allergic reactions and nausea. Hard to kill, mold can re-flower at anytime if conditions are agreeable in the future.

What we do to confront the odor removal process:

  • HEPA vacuuming of dust, debris and grime – wet or dry- (we remove up to 0.035 microns)
  • Sampling in case of lab testing (toxic materials and species ID)
  • Disassembly of artwork to clean into all hidden areas
  • Encapsulation or coating of surfaces with conservation grade resins that absorb particulates and odors or seal them so they are no longer an issue (EPA approved).
  • Replace all porous materials that are not part of the artwork (back boards and matting)
  • If needed, Anoxia Tent Oxygen Deprivation Treatments – Odor removal and kills mold spores

More damage to art and family history collectibles was done from careless handling than by the disaster.

Additional info –

Gena Dillon, Disaster Response Coordinator

Art Conservators Scott M. Haskins, Virginia Panizzon

805 564 3438


Here are some testimonials and examples of our work with other disaster response companies:

Smoke Damage (Testimonial):…

Smoke damage testimonial from PuroClean disaster response company:

Water Damage (Testimonial Mrs. Dau):…

Water Damage (Testimonial Las Vegas):…

Damage in Storage – Rip Repair:…

Expert Author – Tom Antion Hurricane Testimonial:…

Water Damaged Paintings:…

Water damaged art treatment – blog:…

Smoke Damage – Elite Restoration – Blog Post:…

Smithsonian guideline for home collection care:

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Mural Conservation Treatments and Historic Preservation Studies Discover Important Italian Artwork and History In The Garda Lake Area

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Posted in art restoration of family portraits, Disaster/Emergency Response, Expert Witness/Legal Testimony, In Lab, Water Damage | Tagged | Leave a comment

Saving WPA Pre-World War II Murals by Ross Dickinson From Demolition in Los Angeles

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Detail of scholars in Ross Dickinson’s History of the Written Word in the library of Thomas Jefferson High School – before conservation in 2023-2024

Ross Dickinson was from California and studied with Frank Tolles Chamberlin (1873–1961) at the Chouinard Art Institute in Los Angeles, where he became interested in mural painting. In 1926 Dickinson spent nine months in New York City studying with John Costigan at the Grand Central School of Art and Charles Hawthorne at the National Academy of Design; he also received a scholarship from the Tiffany Foundation. Dickinson returned to California later that year and studied at the Santa Barbara School of Fine Arts, where he received his first mural commission.

His painting style was well founded in “Modernism” or “Regionalism” that was so internationally prevalent as the “modern” style that was so popular. Though he was interested in murals, he was very productive with easel paintings, especially in this beginning artistic development in the 20’s and 30’s.  Years ago, FACL was the art and painting conservation team for working on the preservation and restoration of the estate of personal paintings that Ross Dickinson left to his family. William A. Karges Fine Art handled that estate in 1993 and hired us to collaborate.

But it was because of his mural abilities as an experienced and accomplished artist, Dickinson was vetted and chosen by the federal government’s Works Project Administration that was putting professional artists to work during the Depression.

Now, we have been chosen to save one of Ross Dicknson’s murals that he made under this federal program  during the Depression in 1937 that are located in the library of Thomas Jefferson High School in South Central Los Angeles. Here’s a link to the WPA “New Deal” mention of the murals:

Before Conservation of the HISTORY OF THE WRITTEN WORD by Ross Dickinson 1937

During the last two years, the pre-World War 2  era built high school in South Central Los Angeles, California has been working on a massive renovation (under the direction of the Los Angeles Unified School District – LAUSD). Preserving the “historic fabric” has been a major focus and the preservation of the WPA murals in the library from the massive demolitions and upgrading has been of special interest.

Working on the removed murals at Fine Art Conservation Laboratories. Once ready, the murals will be reinstalled back into the school’s library in their original location.

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories (FACL, Inc.) was vetted and chosen from among more than a dozen firms bidding for the contract for removing the murals, restoring them and then reinstalling them back into their original locations when the renovated library will be ready (maybe this October, 2024?). LAUSD pre-qualified FACL – Scott M. Haskins and the contract was awarded through the General Contractor, Kemp Brothers Construction Co.

During cleaning of a detail of Egyptians

Before and after cleaning

The oil on canvas murals glued to the walls with a lead based adhesive were removed last year and their preservation and restoration has been completed at FACL’s lab. The lab space is laid out and equipped for working on detached murals (10,000 sq. ft). At the moment, several other renown mural projects are under way, including another WPA project with murals from a library from San Pedro High School, in the Los Angeles, CA area.

Scott Haskins at San Pedro High School removing WPA murals by Tyrone Comfort before renovation

Questions about preserving and restoring public art murals? Call Scott M. Haskins or Virginia Panizzon at 805 564 3438 or See testimonials on other public works 


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Mural Conservation Treatments and Historic Preservation Studies Discover Important Italian Artwork and History In The Garda Lake Area

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Saving Public Art WPA Pre-World War II Murals by Tyron Comfort From Demolition in Los Angeles

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You may not have heard the name of Tyron Comfort even if you are a collector of vintage California art. And yet, the Works Projects Administration (WPA) would not have chosen him to paint public art murals during the Depression (in a competitive vetting process) if he had not proven himself worthy of being called a professional artist and painted for a living. It seems, though, that dying at age 30 is bad for your reputation.

During the last two years, the pre-world war 2 Depression era built high school in San Pedro, California has been planning and getting started on a massive renovation (under the direction of the Los Angeles Unified School District – LAUSD). Preserving the “historic fabric” has been a major focus and the preservation of the WPA murals in the library from the massive demolitions and upgrading has been of special interest.

The nine Work Projects Administration 1937 murals were painted by artist Tyron Comfort just 2 years before he died (of causes unknown…he was only 30 years old). What’s interesting to me is that, since San Pedro is the Port of Los Angeles with Long Beach next door, it was obviously going to be a location where we, the USA, ramped up for the upcoming World War II. The USA was not going to be at war till the end of 1941… but these paintings show preparations in 1937.

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories (FACL, Inc.) was vetted and chosen from among more than a dozen firms bidding for the contract for removing the murals, restoring them and then reinstalling them back into their original locations when the renovated library will be ready (in about 2 years from now?). LAUSD pre-qualified FACL – Scott M. Haskins and the contract was awarded through the General Contractor, Pinner Construction Co. 

The oil on canvas murals glued to the walls with a lead based adhesive were removed this last week and have been transported to FACL’s lab for stabilization and restoration. The lab space is laid out and equipped for working on detached murals (10,000 sq. ft). At the moment, several other renown mural projects are under way.

Questions about preserving and restoring public art murals? Call Scott M. Haskins or Virginia Panizzon at 805 564 3438 or See testimonials on other public works 



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Mural Conservation Treatments and Historic Preservation Studies Discover Important Italian Artwork and History In The Garda Lake Area

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Allen Lay, Art Collector, Said He Wanted To Prepare His Art To Make This World A Better Place

With Alan Lays passing this week, we at Fine Art Conservation Lab. will miss him. He was referred to us by Ray Redfern of Redfern Gallery in Laguna Beach and over the last few years we had the pleasure of working closely with him to go through his entire collection of early California paintings so that they will be preserved long term and look their best well into the future. He was, even in his advanced stages of poor health, enthusiastic about the adventures of collecting art, the friendships and associations he had made, and the great pleasure he received from being surrounded by his wonderful collection at home.

His favorite painting was “Girl in Pink Dress” (and a big red parasol… which also has an interesting and beautiful painting of Water Lillies #3 on the verso) by Donna Schuster which hung in his bedroom. In the process of working with him, he wanted the best job done for all of the collection’s paintings future. If you happen to see one of his paintings for sale, now you know the love and care that was given to it.

FACL is privileged to be part of preserving wonderful historical and artistic works for future generations, and feel honored to be trusted by the best private collectors who love their art.

Another aspect of the honor we feel about preserving cultural heritage is the work we do for municipalities, like the work we are presently engaged in for the city next-door to where Allen lived, preserving pre-World War II, WPA murals from demolition and collaborating with general contractors to reinstall the artwork after renovations are complete. Click here to see murals by Ross Dickinson (William A. Karges Fine Art handled the artist’s estate) and click here for murals by Tyrone Comfort (who you may not have heard of because he died at 30 years old).

Longtime Historical Collections Council of California Art (HCC-CA) member Allen Lay passed away Sunday morning. He had been in declining health over the past few months and had been in and out of the hospital several times recently.

Allen was an integral part of the HCC for nearly forty years. He has been a leader within the group, and along with Dottie, a consistent and passionate supporter and advocate for historical California art, as well as a good friend to many of us. He will be missed by all…. He is survived by Dottie and family. Memorial planning is underway.

Questions about preservation and restoration of oil and acrylic paintings?

Call Scott M. Haskins or Virginia Panizzon, Art Conservators

805 564 3438 or email Fine Art Conservation/Painting Restoration/Highest Professional Standards Call for free in-house consultation, art restoration services since 1975. PU/Delivery, quality cleaning of paintings, repair a rip in an oil painting, water damage, smoke damage.

Art Storage and Related Services/Professional Art Conservation Call for estimates and details about secured safe facility and services available, short term and long term, shipping and receiving, temperature controlled space available, PU/delivery, storage in same building as art conservation facility.

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What does it mean that this article is “ syndicated”?

When something is published, usually by a news source, and is made available through different venues for redistribution then it is said to be syndicated. Publications that are syndicated are usually considered of value as being from an expert, educational, new worthy or valuable for wide popular interest. See syndication page at the renowned publicity site:

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1) Included in the ExpertClick Press Room as a ‘press release.’ (different than a ‘news release’)

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7) Shown in the full RSS feed from ExpertCick. (Another, different specific way news is actively distributed within the industry)

8) Syndicated to As of 2006, the company had the world’s largest electronic database for legal and public-records related information, distributor of academic content and expert opinion.

Mural Conservation Treatments and Historic Preservation Studies Discover Important Italian Artwork and History In The Garda Lake Area

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Professional Art Conservation Consultation to Ensure Quality and Give Guidance in Art Collection Problem-Solving.

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Fine Art Conservation Laboratories was consulted for new lighting of the Stations of the Cross at the Santa Barbara Mission

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories consulted with collection management for new lighting of the Stations of the Cross in the main chapel of the Santa Barbara Mission

People call me all the time to ask for guidance on one thing or another related to care of and restoring paintings. Of course, some people are conscientious and are pretty good at following my instructions based on 50 years of professional practice. But, some people are incorrigible do it yourselfers and are going to do it their way no matter what. Why do they even call me? I have numerous stories about extremely stupid people thinking they’re smarter than me and do “it” their own way resulting in disaster. I usually save those stories for entertainment at dinner appointments. But I’ll mention this example quickly…

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories tried to coach this cowboy but…

A man had two very nice paintings that he wanted to bring to me and I cautioned him about handling them and protecting them so that no damage occurred when he brought them to me. He then proceeded to put them in the back of his open pick-up truck with no protection and without securing them down. They blew out of the truck onto the freeway and were shredded by the cars running over them. He managed to go back and pick them up off the freeway and still brought them to me! It was not a good meeting. I reacted to his idiocy and he reacted like I was personally offending him when I told him that one painting was going to be $12,000 and the other one would be $7000 to bring them back to perfect stable condition and undo the damage that he caused. Without a doubt, because of what he did, their market value was also compromised. I don’t understand where this state of mind comes from… I have had this exact scenario happen two or three times in my career!

6 Restored Antique Silver Candlestick Holders from the Alter at Mission Santa Barbara

Reaching out to consult with an art restoration professional to answer questions and find out options is a smart step to take when you’re concerned about planning, quality control, and a myriad of logistics. While you may be thinking that art restoration professional’s hands-on-craftsmanship type talent is all that is in play, taking advantage of the breadth and depth of this niche of knowledge can save you $10,000’s of damage repair and loss… or from overspending. This can be important for a family redistributing and disposing of keepsakes, moving and storage of art, antiques and heirlooms, and managing a collection whether it’s big or small. Find someone who works professional in this field you trust and cultivate that friendship. Here’s a quick example:

Before and after appearance of the 6 restored antique silver candlestick holders from the alter at Mission Santa Barbara

Mission Santa Barbara, The Queen of the Missions, has accumulated over the last 140 years devotional objects (artwork, library items and artifacts) that today tell an important story for the Catholic Church, the Santa Barbara area, the history of the old Spanish missions, and the history of the state of California. (If you would like support their preservation and restoration efforts, here’s a link) Although our lab specializes in the preservation and restoration of paintings, we are often assisting in conversations about processes and plans for other types of objects. Recently, we were honored and pleased to help with the restoration of six silver antique candlestick holders. We helped with their safe handling and transportation to subcontractors, helped to choose quality craftsmanship for their restoration process, and assured that the work was done as contracted. In the end, the result was exactly what was desired by the Mission and the project came in well under budget.

Santa Barbara Mission Admin receiving restored candlestick holders

We invite people to call us for questions you have about caring for and restoring artwork. In fact, I’ve written several books to help people “take care of their stuff.” I speak with and connect with people through text and email also many times a day. I’m writing this article for you, hoping you’ll find some aspect of it compelling or intriguing from an art point of view. Let what I’m relating to you expand your understanding of preserving our cultural heritage (of which your family history items are part) a little-known knowledge niche of the art world. This is kind of a “back room” conversation that the public never hears… and now you are more acquainted with!

Scott M. Haskins and Virginia Panizzon, veteran art conservators at Fine Art Conservation Laboratories

Don’t hesitate to call if you have questions. We are happy to chat with you, live, on the phone (yes, with a real person)

Scott Haskins, Virginia Panizzon

805 564 3438

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A Recent Call to Mission San Luis Obispo

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A couple of weeks ago, I received an invitation from the historic old Spanish mission in San Luis Obispo to help them figure out best conservation treatments and practices  for preserving, restoring the art collection and exhibiting several important items in the collection. 

I loved the Jacaranda trees in bloom around the mission. It reminded me of our last trip to Spain.

The establishing of the chain of old Spanish missions along the California coast at the end of the 1700s was of supreme importance in the history of the formation of early California for the immigration and expansion to the western side of the continent. This was the earliest “modern day” effort to organize a political system. The San Luis Obispo mission was founded in 1772 and was the fourth of 20 missions Spaced one day of travel apart from each other in the system of colonizing “upper California.“ It was completely unusable in 1877 and restored in 1933.

The violent takeover, conquering and resettling of “their” acquired lands (the Spain’s “New World”), overshadowed all feelings, military, and religious agenda, and opinions about land rights, human rights and political power. Manipulated by the military, allegiance to the Spanish monarchy and being part of the imperialistic Catholic politics, the establishing of the old Spanish missions was not, as a result, a peaceful process. The indigenous population was considered a conquered people throughout the Western hemisphere. The Spanish plan of expansion was not unique to them, but was a practiced repeated transfer of wealth between civilizations for all of recorded time. 

A thought comes to mind; what if the Pope had decided to fund Christopher Columbus’ voyages instead of the Spanish monarchy? We would not have mariachi music, tacos, nor the entire Spanish-speaking hemisphere. Instead, would everyone be speaking Italian and eating pasta? 

The old Spanish missions contain the oldest narratives and storytelling artifacts of settlers and of our state’s history. I’m honored to get the call to assist in the very meaningful preservation, restoration and collection maintenance associated with the San Luis Obispo Mission. I am as proud to be identified with this effort as I have been at any time in my career. We are also currently working with the Santa Barbara Mission Archive and Library (which is the archive for all of the California Franciscan missions), Mission Santa Barbara, and Mission San Juan Capistrano. We have also done major work for the Carmel Mission, among which we felt honored to be entrusted with preservation and restoration of the actual painting that Father Serra commissioned for his tomb plus a dozen other paintings in the main church chapel. We’ve been working with one of the major Royal Spanish land grant ranches, the Palomare’s Adobe (also known as  the Ygnacio Palomares Adobe, and as Adobe de Palomares) historical site in Pomona, Southern California. On sporadic projects, we have also worked with the Mission Santa Ynez, and the Mission Santa Buena Ventura.  

More prevalent than the influence of the Catholic Church faith that could be promoted through the missions of California, from the dust of neglect and ruin at the end of the 1800s, from a huge restoration movement of the missions and due to an “aligning of circumstances,” the missions of California inspired a romantic Old Spanish Days vibe that has influenced deeply culture and art throughout the western United States and beyond.

Mission San Luis Obispo painted by Henry Chapman Ford in about 1880 – during cleaning of grime and discolored varnish in our lab years ago for the Mission Inn in Riverside CA. In fact, the PBS did a special feature program on this project.

Since the beginning of my career in Italy in 1975, the Catholic Church has provided many many opportunities to help save important, cultural heritage, historical items, and devotional objects …. here we go again!!! More on this later!


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Discover Your Painting’s Stories: How UV Blacklight Unveils Hidden Imperfections for Art Lovers in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Orange County, and Las Vegas

Can UV blacklight help protect your cherished artworks?

image of a UV Blacklight

Here’s an example of the type of UV Blacklight that art conservators often use to evaluate acrylic and oil paintings as well as other artworks

Absolutely! For art enthusiasts and collectors in Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Orange County, and Las Vegas, doing an art evaluation and understanding the hidden layers and condition of your paintings is not just about conservation—it’s about connecting more deeply with the art you love. A UV blacklight can help you to know what’s going on with your artworks whether you’d like to get these hidden imperfections restored or whether you’d like to leave them untouched. UV blacklight reveals what’s hidden from the naked eye, ensuring that you know the condition of your artwork as it continues to tell its story beautifully and authentically.

Why Every Art Owner Needs a UV Blacklight to do Art Evaluation

Incorporating UV blacklight into your art care routine isn’t just for professionals. It’s a valuable tool for anyone passionate about preserving the beauty and integrity of their art collections. Whether you’re evaluating a potential new acquisition or occasionally checking the condition of a family heirloom, UV blacklight can reveal any previous restorations or hidden damages.

UV Light and Night Scenes: A Closer Look

image of a painting under UV light, inpainting glows brightly

New inpainting/retouchings show up bright with a UV black light

Imagine discovering more about a beloved night scene painting in your collection. A recent painting from Santa Barbara involved a night landscape that, under UV blacklight, showed a fascinating history of careful restorations. This ghostly glow, often misinterpreted as damage to the untrained eye, actually highlights the meticulous care is taken by art conservators to maintain the painting over decades—this story of preservation adds depth to the owner’s appreciation of the piece.

How UV Blacklight Reveals a Painting’s History During Art Evaluation

image of a portrait with missing areas on the left and inpainted missing areas on the right

Before and After Inpainting, Showing The Difference.

For those of you in Santa Barbara to Orange County and beyond who cherish every brushstroke and color in your paintings, UV blacklight can be your ally in uncovering the truth. It shows clearly where touch-ups have been made, allowing you to understand and appreciate the narrative of preservation behind each of your artworks. In this photo above, for example, the areas of inpainting over the white plaster would glow brightly under UV light. This knowledge empowers you as a collector, helping you make informed decisions with an art conservation professional about caring for and displaying your artwork.


Ensuring Excellence in Art Conservation and Art Evaluation

female art conservator carefully inpainting missing sections of an oil painting

FACL, Inc. art conservator carefully inpaints a section of this history painting done in oil paint

FACL, Inc. provides art conservation, evaluation, and more services in the Western part of the United States – from Santa Barbara County, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties, all the way to Salt Lake City, UT. We ensure that each artwork is preserved and restored to the highest standards set by organizations such as the AIC. Our work with this centuries-old painting pictured above demonstrated how UV blacklight could confirm the integrity of even the most delicate conservation efforts. It informed us where previous restoration efforts, such as inpainting, were located on the painting. This allowed us to tailor our treatments to take into account both the original materials as well as the art-conservation-grade pigments used for previous inpainting treatments. 

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories, Inc.’s Commitment to Art Conservation

At Fine Art Conservation Laboratories, we believe that every piece of art in your home deserves to be loved and preserved with the highest care. We, as art conservation professionals, use a UV blacklight as part of our commitment to providing you, the art collectors and lovers in **Santa Barbara**, **Los Angeles**, **Orange County**, **Las Vegas**, and beyond, with the best possible service, including artwork condition evaluation.

A Personal Note from Scott M. Haskins

image of a mature white man standing next to a middle aged white woman as they reference a large painting splayed out on a table in front of them. They are FACL art conservators.

FACL Art Conservators Scott and Virginia in the lab

“Over my decades of work in art conservation, I’ve seen how UV blacklight inspection has evolved from a niche technique to an essential tool in art preservation and painting evaluation. This tool allows us to peek into the past of each artwork, revealing stories of craftsmanship and care that are often left untold. These stories enrich your experience as a collector, can add cultural and even monetary value to your artwork, and deepen your connection to your art.”

Insurance Claim Guidance

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories’ 45 years of expertise in preserving and restoring art offers invaluable help and practical knowledge for helping people through the insurance claim process for damaged collectibles and art pieces. Our experienced team understands the complexities of insurance claims related to art, heirlooms, and antiques, providing reports that are properly prepared with information that the insurance company never puts in doubt. Fine Art Conservation Laboratories charges flat fees for this work, not a percentage of the claim settlement, and our expertise is honored nationwide. Let us help make the art, heirloom, and collectible part of the insurance claim process as seamless as possible and preserve your peace of mind. 


Embracing UV blacklight inspection is essential for any art lover in **Santa Barbara**, **Los Angeles**, **Orange County**, and **Las Vegas**. It not only ensures the condition of your artworks but also enriches your understanding and appreciation of them. If you’re ready to explore the hidden aspects of your art collection, contact Fine Art Conservation Laboratories, Inc. for a consultation that will change how you view and treasure art forever.

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FACL Conducts Mural Preservation & Removal in Hawaii – Edward T. Grigware’s “The Defiance of Pele”

You Won’t Believe the Mural Preservation Process!

image of the mural "Defying Pele"

Have you ever wondered how art conservators do mural removals or mural preservation? If so, this is the story you’ve been waiting for. At Fine Art Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (FACL), we take immense pride in our work preserving and restoring valuable public art pieces, especially murals. One of our projects, the removal and restoration of Edward T. Grigware’s murals at Brigham Young University–Hawaii, was both a challenge and a privilege. This article will take you through the entire process, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the art of mural conservation. If you love art, history, or are simply curious about how these intricate projects are carried out, you’re in for a treat!


History of the Murals 

Edward T. Grigware’s Legacy

image of artist Edward Grigware

image of mural artist Edward Grigware

Edward T. Grigware was an American painter known for his evocative and culturally significant murals. In 1958, he created two stunning murals: “The Defiance of Pele” and “Our Missionaries Bless the Islands.” These works of art are not only visually captivating but also deeply rooted in Hawaiian and religious history. “The Defiance of Pele” depicts Queen Kapi’olani defying the Hawaiian goddess Pele to demonstrate her Christian faith, while “Our Missionaries Bless the Islands” shows Latter-day Saint missionaries dedicating the Hawaiian islands for further missionary work. 


Historical Context

close up of little girls featured in "Defying Pele" mural

Edward T. Grigware, a celebrated artist known for his vibrant and narrative-driven murals, created “The Defiance of Pele” and “Our Missionaries Bless the Islands” in 1958. These works hold significant cultural value, depicting key moments in Hawaiian history and the impact of missionary work on the islands. However, the David O. McKay building at BYU–Hawaii, where the murals resided, was slated for imminent demolition. This urgency made it crucial to remove and preserve the murals. While the future location and reinstallation date of the murals remain uncertain, FACL’s immediate focus was on their preservation.


The Setting: BYU–Hawaii

Brigham Young University - Hawaii

the mural was located in Brigham Young University – Hawaii

The David O. McKay building is a central hub at BYU–Hawaii. It’s a place where students and faculty gather, and these murals have been a backdrop to countless events and memories. Laie, Oahu, with its rich cultural heritage, provided a fitting home for Grigware’s works. 


Murals’ Initial Condition

close-up of a woman defying Pele

close-up of a woman defying Pele

When we first assessed the murals, we found they had suffered from water damage, and previous local restoration attempts had been less than ideal. The paint layers were fragile, and the canvas had deteriorated in several places. It was a daunting task, but we were determined to restore these pieces to their former glory.


The Mural Preservation and Conservation Process

Pre-Removal Assessment

Before we could begin the delicate process of mural removal, a thorough pre-removal assessment was essential. Initial documents showed that a lead-based adhesive had been used to attach the murals to the wall. However, the exact difficulty and strength of this adhesive were unknown, necessitating on-site testing.

In late November 2023, FACL, Inc. conducted tests to evaluate the condition of the paint layers and the ease with which the canvas could be separated from the wall. Understanding these factors was crucial for determining the safest and most effective removal method. Our findings indicated that the adhesive was extremely strong and the paint was fragile, posing a significant challenge for the removal process.


Understanding Marouflage

The murals were created using a technique called marouflage, where the painting is done on canvas and then adhered to the wall. This method, popularized in 1700s France, was a common practice in the 20th century. Each mural is 11 feet high and 33 feet wide, divided into five sections, and painted in oil on canvas with an original varnish. This technique used to paint the mural helped FACL’s mural restoration team in storing and transporting the murals.


Mural Removal Process

Challenges Faced

One of the main challenges was dealing with the hard lead-based adhesive used to attach the canvas to the wall. The wall itself was constructed with a thin, unusually soft scratch coat over the plaster layer. Tests revealed that simply cutting the canvas off the wall would have been too uncontrollable, risking severe damage to the murals.


Removal Techniques Employed

FACL mural removal team applying vibration to detach the mural from the wall

FACL, Inc. mural removal team applies vibration to ease the detachment of the mural from the wall

The actual removal of the murals began in early December 2023. Given the strong lead-based adhesive and the fragile nature of the paint layers, a conventional removal method would have been too risky. Here, a stroke of genius came to Scott, FACL’s head art conservator. He was standing by the mural, out of ideas, when inspiration struck: using a vibration technique to fracture the scratch coat and separate the canvas from the wall.

This unconventional method required immense effort and careful precision, but it was worth it for the safety and preservation of the mural. We applied a protective “facing” to the surface, allowing us to handle the mural without directly touching the paint. This ensured that the delicate paint layers remained intact throughout the process. The mural was then carefully wrapped around large 3-foot tubes to avoid any kinking or damage during transport.


Handling and Transportation

Preparing for Transport

FACL mural team preparing the mural to be transported on large tubes

FACL, Inc. mural preservation team prepares the mural to be transported on large tubes

Handling and transporting such large and delicate pieces is no small feat. We took extensive measures to ensure the safety of the murals. The protective facing allowed us to move the canvases without risking further damage, and the careful wrapping around large tubes ensured they would not kink or warp.

"Defying Pele" mural on the tube, ready for transportation

“The Defiance of Pele” mural on the tube, ready for transportation

Scott’s Weighs in About the Preservation Process

“I remember the moment we successfully removed the first section of the mural. It was like unearthing a buried treasure. The relief and excitement on our team’s faces were palpable. We knew we were not just preserving a piece of art, but a piece of history.”


FACL’s Other Mural Projects

FACL technicians with a Banksy "Rat" piece

FACL, Inc. technicians with a Banksy “Rat” piece

This project is a prime example of the meticulous care and expertise required in mural restoration. At FACL, we’ve tackled numerous similar projects, each with its unique set of challenges. Whether it’s a historic mural in a public building or a cherished painting in a private collection, we approach each project with the same level of dedication and precision. Because each mural has its own unique issues and setting, a thorough pre-conservation inspection is crucial to creating a game plan for each project.


Broad Range of Services

Our comprehensive mural restoration services include everything from initial assessment and testing to removal, stabilization, and final restoration. We understand the importance of preserving cultural heritage, and our goal is to ensure that these artworks can be enjoyed by future generations.


Serving the Western United States

At FACL, we are proud to serve areas from Santa Barbara County, CA, to Orange County, CA, as well as Las Vegas, NV, and Salt Lake City, UT. Our door-to-door services make it easy for clients to get the care their artworks need without worrying about transportation.

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with clients across these areas, each with their unique stories and treasures. Whether it’s a mural in a historic building or a painting passed down through generations, the joy of seeing these pieces restored is immensely rewarding.” – Scott M. Haskins



Edward T. Grigware’s murals at BYU–Hawaii are a testament to his artistic vision. At Fine Art Conservation Laboratories, Inc., we are honored to play a role in preserving these masterpieces. Our expertise in dealing with weathered and damaged paintings and murals ensures that these artworks remain as vivid and impactful as the day they were created. If you have a piece of art that needs professional care, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help preserve your treasures for future generations.

Do you need guidance for making an insurance claim for art? FACL can help.

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories’ 45 years of expertise in preserving and restoring art offers invaluable help and practical knowledge for helping people through the insurance claim process for damaged collectibles and art pieces. Our experienced team understands the complexities of insurance claims related to art, heirlooms, and antiques, providing reports that are properly prepared with information that the insurance company never puts in doubt. Fine Art Conservation Laboratories charges flat fees for this work, not a percentage of the claim settlement, and our expertise is honored nationwide. Let us help make the art, heirloom, and collectible part of the insurance claim process as seamless as possible and preserve your peace of mind.

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Art Restoration: Water Damaged Mural in Los Angeles County- Hugo Ballin’s Art Deco Legacy

Unveiling the Secrets of Mural Restoration – Explore the Thrilling Journey of Preserving Cultural Heritage!

Join us on an enlightening journey as we delve into the fascinating world of mural art restoration through the experienced eyes of professional art conservator, Scott M. Haskins. Whether you’re captivated by the history of Los Angeles’ Golden Age, intrigued by painting and mural art conservation, or grappling with water-damaged artwork, this article promises to be an enlightening read for you!

“The first painting I ever worked on was high up on scaffolding in an 800 year old monastery at the top of a mountain in northern Italy, in front of a mural dated 1365, learning the restoration of murals from a very experienced veteran UNESCO mural conservator from Vicenza, who had worked on murals in the Buddhist temples in the jungles of Burma, and in the tombs of Egypt. 

Besides working shoulder to shoulder and benefiting from his inexhaustible experience, I loved hearing his stories about his travels and his emotions as he told about working among the tombs of the dead, and how he felt from that unseen world.”

  • Anecdote from Scott M. Haskins: Fine Art Conservation Laboratories, Inc. (FACL) Head Art Conservator

Banksy’s iconic rat at Fine Art Conservation Laboratories for reassembly, preservation, restoration and preparation for a massive tour.

Conserving Hugo Ballin’s Legacy

“These memories recently became very poignant as we worked on the art conservation of murals by Hugo Ballin, in the mausoleum of the Woodlawn Cemetery in Santa Monica, California. Not only was Hugo Ballin’s tomb 15 feet from where we worked but we were surrounded by thousands of the dead who were constantly looking over our shoulders on this two-week project to preserve and restore these 5 murals! I was vividly reminded of my mentor, Paolo Bacchin’s stories of working in the world of the dead.

Given the positive message of the faith-based murals we were restoring, I guessed that, if he was indeed present with us, Hugo Ballin was encouraging us, inspiring us, and collaborating for the successful completion and preservation of his artwork, and for the positive cultural heritage aspects of the public art.” – Scott


two men, one older, one younger, stand in front of the Hugo Ballin Mural in the Woodlawn Cemetery

FACL’s mural conservation crew for the Hugo Ballin mural – Art Conservator Scott M. Haskins and art conservation technician, Denver Dillon

FACL is under contract with the city of Santa Monica as an expert in protecting and conserving public art. An additional competitive vetting process awarded FACL the work at the City cemetery. Over the decades, since the murals were painted, several issues including infiltrations of water and the resulting mold, break up of plaster, and other problems were patched up with the proverbial “Band-Aid on an open artery” type of repair. Proper stabilization and preservation were desperately needed to preserve beautiful public works of art for future generations.

Restoring Art Damaged by Water and Mold

The Impact of Water Damage

Water damage can severely impact paintings, murals, and other valuable items. This type of damage not only affects the visual appeal but also the structural integrity of the artwork. Issues can range from discoloration and mold growth to more severe damage like warping or flaking paint.

flaking paint on a mural

Example of flaking paint on a mural caused by water damage.

The vintage murals, originally painted in Hugo Ballin’s famous recognizable art deco style, were thinly painted in oil on lightweight canvas, and then glued to the walls of the mausoleum with a wall paper paste. The extent of the water damage was heartbreaking. These materials did not hold up well with water seepage and the rough handling of inexperienced maintenance and restoration personnel over the years.

Mold had infiltrated the paint layers, and the colors were dull and faded. But we knew with the right care, these murals could be brought back to life.

The Restoration Process

Restoring art damaged by water and mold involves several meticulous steps. First, we stabilize the artwork to prevent further deterioration. This may involve drying out the affected areas, removing mold, and treating the surface to halt the spread of damage.

Each mural needed to be carefully removed from the wall to be cleaned. FACL conservators needed to clean off the mold, remove loose dried glues, re-do busted-up plaster, and properly remount the original paintings on canvas back into their original positions on their original walls. Surface cleaning and revarnishing were done after this removal. All of this work was done with professional art conservation standards of practice and ethics.

Scott M. Haskins in the removal stage of the mural restoration process

Finally, we work on restoring the artwork to its original condition. This can involve repainting areas where the paint has flaked off, fixing any warping or structural damage, and applying protective coatings to prevent future damage.

“One of my favorite parts of the restoration process is seeing the colors come back to life. It’s like watching the artwork breathe again after being suffocated for so long.” – Scott

Related Services for Water-Damaged Art

At FACL, we offer a comprehensive range of services to address water and mold-damaged artworks. This includes decontamination, stabilization, and preventive measures to protect against future damage. Whether it’s a beloved family heirloom or a valuable masterpiece, we’re committed to preserving the integrity and beauty of your art.


Hugo Ballin: An Artist of Many Talents

Hugo Ballin was an extraordinary artist known for his remarkable contributions to both the art world and the film industry. Born in 1879, Ballin was an American artist, muralist, author, and film director. His creative journey took him from painting exquisite murals to directing memorable films. This unique blend of artistic talent and cinematic vision made him a standout figure of his time. 

“When I first learned about Ballin’s dual career, I was fascinated. It’s rare to see such a seamless blend of cinematic and artistic talent. His films had a painterly quality, while his murals told stories with the depth of a film director’s eye.” – Scott 

Hugo Ballin – Art Deco Mural Artist & Film Director

From the Silver Screen to the Painting of Public Art Murals

Hugo Ballin was, perhaps, the highest quality and most well-known mural artist in Southern CA, particularly in the Los Angeles County area, in the 1st half of the 1900s. In addition to his work in Southern California, he was well-known nationwide and was even part of the art competition at the 1932 Summer Olympics.

Before dedicating his life to mural painting, Hugo Ballin made a name for himself in Hollywood. In 1917, he began working for Goldwyn Pictures in New Jersey as an art director and production designer. By 1921, he moved to Los Angeles at the request of Samuel Goldwyn. Ballin directed several silent films, bringing his artistic vision to life on the silver screen. This experience in the film industry influenced his approach to art, allowing him to create murals that are not only visually stunning but also narratively rich. Ballin’s training in classical painting is evident in his murals, completed across the United States, which eventually made him one of the foremost muralists in the Los Angeles area. Notable works include murals at the W. M. Keck Foundation Central Rotunda at Griffith Observatory and a set of frescoes depicting the life and death of Christ, located at Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery in Santa Monica, where Ballin is also buried. Each piece tells a story, capturing the essence of the subjects with meticulous detail and vibrant colors. FACL, Inc. consulted on the project at Griffith Observatory. 

“I remember visiting the Griffith Observatory as a kid, being awestruck by the grandeur of those murals. Little did I know, years later, I would be part of the team helping to preserve Ballin’s incredible legacy.” –  Scott 

Hugo Ballin Murals at the Griffith Observatory – Mount Hollywood in Griffith Park


Hugo Ballin’s legacy as a mural artist and movie director is enduring. His work continues to inspire and captivate audiences. At Fine Art Conservation Laboratories, Inc., we are honored to play a role in preserving his murals. Our expertise in dealing with water-damaged painting restoration ensures that these masterpieces remain as vivid and impactful as the day they were created.

For more information on our services and how we can help with your art restoration needs or questions about art conservation, contact us today at 805-564-3438. 

Protecting the beauty and integrity of your artwork is not just our job—it’s our passion.

Serving the Western United States

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Fine Art Conservation Laboratories, Inc. proudly serves areas from Santa Barbara County, CA to Orange County, CA, as well as Las Vegas and Salt Lake City, UT. Our work in art and restoration helps maintain the cultural and historical treasures found in these regions. We offer door-to-door services, ensuring that your paintings and murals receive the care they need without you having to worry about transportation.

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with clients across these areas, each with their unique stories and treasures. Whether it’s a mural in a historic building or a painting passed down through generations, the joy of seeing these pieces restored is immensely rewarding.” – Scott

Art Insurance Claim Guidance

Fine Art Conservation Laboratories’ 45 years of expertise in preserving and restoring art offers invaluable help and practical knowledge for helping people through the insurance claim process for damaged collectibles and art pieces. Our experienced team understands the complexities of insurance claims related to art, heirlooms, and antiques, providing reports that are properly prepared with information that the insurance company never puts in doubt. Fine Art Conservation Laboratories charges flat fees for this work, not a percentage of the claim settlement, and our expertise is honored nationwide. Let us help make the art, heirloom, and collectible part of the insurance claim process as seamless as possible and preserve your peace of mind. 

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