People ask me, “Do I still do the painting restoration work?”

By Scott M. Haskins, Head of ConservationArt conservation forensic investigation

I’m asked fairly often, since I travel so much, do I ever do the actual art conservation work on paintings. The short answer is:

  1. If you count the treatments we do on murals then, yes, I do more sq. ft of painting restoration work than anyone in the lab. Click here to see an example.
  2. While in the lab, I am involved on practically every painting’s evaluation, decision making and progress. I guide, trouble shoot and give my opinion… which sometimes even gets considered!
  3. There are three of us qualified art conservators that think and work all on the same mental wave length. Its very synergistic. See this fun video about team work.
Art conservation delivery in Utah

Delivering completed painting conservation projects to the client in Salt Lake City Utah.

The longer answer is that art conservation is a professional field that is more than just cleaning, touching up and varnishing a painting. Yes, the highest level of craftsmanship of the treatments is of the utmost importance but connoisseurship attained from 40 years of intense international experience and consultation work is something extremely important that I am constantly asked to share. Important other art conservation professional things I do include:

  1. Expert witness – legal testimony in art related matters. This can be in public art situations, insurance claims and damage response situations. Here’s a link to some past work.
  2. Art authentication and the analysis of art – I’m asked a couple of times a week to assist people on these types of matters that can range from authenticating a signature to a full blown investigation and working with art scholars and scientists. Here’s a link to a fun appearance on Keeping Up With The Kardasians TV program.
  3. Consult on art conservation planning for upcoming projects. I often help organizations with grant applications and proposals. Coordinate with other parallel professions to assist them on historic preservation projects; architects, appraisers, general contractors, city arts commissions. Click here to see a review of our consulting experience. I consult with people daily on their art conservation needs and answer questions. Here is a very interesting review with a quick video about our assistance and expertise in planing public art mural projects:

Because these professional needs are usually attended to on a personal visit type of basis, I make the effort to get around and see people… in person. This is why we go to the trouble to pick up and deliver projects over such a wide geographical basis. Here are some reviews of places we work: Los Angeles, Orange County, Santa Barbara, Utah, Las Vegas, Carmel/Monterey. It keeps us in personal contact with our clients which include private people, auction houses and galleries, institutions, city governments and disaster response companies.

So, do I still do the actual art conservation work? Yeah, I’d say so.

Give us a call to discuss your questions!

Ask for art conservators Scott Haskins, Virginia Panizzon

805 564 3438

Anthony Quinn as the Pope on Broadway being evaluated for conservation treatmentsOf interest, also, may be my work as the author of the Save Your Stuff Series, producer and presenter of webinars for membership drives and fundraising and docent training.

805 564 3438

About Scott M. Haskins

Scott Haskins has been in professional art conservation since 1975, specializing in the conservation/restoration of easel paintings, murals and art on paper. FACL, Inc. is known nationally for doing A+ work no matter the size or difficulty of the project. We are happy to do a quick cleaning on a family heirloom. Our client list and resume is also full of very satisfied clients of large, difficult/complicated projects at remote locations. Excellent services are also available as an Expert Witness/Legal Testimony in art related matters. Consultation on art related projects occur regularly including extensive insurance evaluations for insured or insurer. Services are offered worldwide. Scott M. Haskins is also author of the "Save Your Stuff" series, educational information, materials and supplies to help people protect and save their treasured family heirlooms and collectibles at home and office. He can be reached at 805 564 3438. Video and written testimonials at
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20 Responses to People ask me, “Do I still do the painting restoration work?”

  1. Adele Bannon says:

    Your company is always the first that I recommend to ANYONE that has even a scratch on their art. Cleaning is one thing and I am sure other companies do that, but the repair work you do is amazing. Keep it up!

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Thanks Adele. I’m feeling’ the luv. Scott

  2. Jared Runyan says:

    It would be a shame to the art world if you were not able to perform your excellent talent to help people out there! You do great work and from what I have seen, you keep your website up to date as well.

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Thanks Jared.

  3. Essie Griggs says:

    Your website is a gem to the art community There is so much information here and it is nice to see how much you put into your work. It shows others how much you care about art and that transcends through the community.

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Thanks for the nice comment Essie. I’m at the LA Art Show this week and I’ve had a bunch of people from social media and my blogs come up and chat it up. Its been fun and everyone is always very enthusiastic. Scott

  4. Raymond Gordon says:

    It is really a good thing that some of this work has more to do with your mind than your muscles. It would appear that you could do this type of work forever, right? Keep it up!

  5. Jack Cortez says:

    Getting around to and meeting new people in the art world has to be the best part of working with art. So many different personalities that are into many different types of art. Great work!

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      In face Jack, one of the things I love about working in an art field is the variety of people.

  6. Levi Baker says:

    When you do work like you do and the people you help are so appreciative, how in the world could you stop doing it? Right? Great work Scott and I am happy to hear that you are keeping it going strong.

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Thanks Levi. Its a very rewarding field. It has a social conscience to it.

  7. Michael Rainey says:

    When you say you help people with grant applications, what part of the application process would that be? I am just curious and also assuming that when you have a notable reference, like yourself, there is a little more pull there than without.

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Michael, There are grants that offer funding to art relate projects. And the one’s I get involved with, naturally, are the projects involving the preservation and restoration of art. So, those types of grants require an art conservator be on board that also adds legitimacy to the project plans.

  8. Earleen Hunter says:

    Keeping Up With The Kardashians huh? LOL. Hey, if there is a painting that needs to be authenticated, they called the right person for the job!

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Earleen, well… we got the job done professionally and efficiently.

  9. Laura Martelli says:

    it really sounds like your lab has a good connection between everyone that works there. I am sure that is a major advantage to getting work, completing it efficiently and providing the best customer service that you can.

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      Working with a good team makes all the difference in the world.

  10. Cornelia Randolph says:

    I am thinking that being involved in legal testimony might be what takes up a lot of your time, right?

    • Scott M. Haskins

      The Real Person!

      Author Scott M. Haskins acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      There are different aspects to being an expert witness and its not all consuming. Its and interesting service and expertise to provide.

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