Painting Restoration – Laguna, Newport, Costa Mesa, Tustin, Orange County

Scott M. Haskins, Fine Art Conservator and his widely known and esteemed company, FACL, Inc. has been providing art conservation and painting restoration services in Orange County, CA since 1984. Some of our clients include the Laguna Beach Art Festival, the Laguna Art Museum, the 5 Crowns Restaurant (actually the corporation owns 9 similar places and we do work for them all), the Bowers Museum, art dealers, art appraisers, decorators and numerous private clients . Services are provided on a continual basis, even making appearances as a consultant for art related insurance claims, as legal testimony and to give collection care and disaster planning workshops to members and docents as their art conservation expert and author of How To Save Your Stuff From A Disaster.

Routinely, a call comes into our office (805 564 3438) or by email ( and we chat over the phone. When we get a call to restore a painting, clean a painting, fix artwork, repair a rip in a canvas painting, analyze a painting we schedule a personal visit to look over/evaluate the artwork at your location, offering a estimate of the work up front at no charge. Then, if the work is to be done, we offer PU/Delivery to your home or office. The work’s schedule, however, needs to coordinate with our other project pick ups and deliveries in the area.  We work on small family heirloom pieces, on California Impressionist pictures, on Post War Expressionism Art and on Old Master paintings. One of our specializations is the restoration of murals.   See this quick 2 min. video testimonial about our background:

We also do art conservation and painting restoration work in the Palm Springs area, Los Angeles and as far north as San Francisco. We do a lot of work in the Carmel/Monterey area. We have many important clients in Las Vegas and the Provo/ Salt lake City, Utah areas. We have work shipped to us from clients all over the Western US and we work on murals nationally. Here is a quick tour of our lab

This nice comment was sent to us last Fri: “Hi Scott, Virginia and team. Our painting by Don Waters of the “Smoke Tree” is happily hanging on the wall. It is a POW! The restoration is splendid. Thank you for the outstanding work! Cheerfully The Wrights, in Orange County” (used by permission) #fineartconservation #virginiapanizzon #cleanart #scottmhaskins







We look forward to speaking with you about your art conservation questions and project. The following links will give you more interesting information:

Additional testimonials for art restoration services:

Using a black light when inspecting artwork:

How To Repair a Rip In A Canvas Painting:

Why we do not (and nobody else should either) patch a rip in a painting:

Questions about your art?

Give Scott M. Haskins and Virginia Panizzon a call at

805 564 3438

Please give these videos your THUMBS UP! Subscribe to our YouTube Channel

122 Responses to Painting Restoration – Laguna, Newport, Costa Mesa, Tustin, Orange County

  1. I do love paintings and I do take care of them very well. I put them in safe place in case disaster strikes. Thanks for the idea of restoration. Keep it up!

  2. Your reputation precedes you as an art expert. We have been searching “art damage expert witness” and came up repeatedly with your name and we were pleased to see the high profile cases you have contributed to. We’ll be in touch.

  3. jatupon says:

    Thank you for information and sharing.

  4. Min says:

    You are quite well known over here..
    That’s great..
    And I want the restoration of my marriage pic, and I feel that no other than you could be the best fit for this Job..
    Thanks for the contact details.
    Would contact you soon with all details..

  5. Andrew Bulbeck says:

    Thanks for the heads up about your services in our area.

  6. Jana Victoria says:

    I always find painting restoration interesting yet intriguing. There’s always an interesting story. That’s why I would love to do it one day but for me it seems like a work for the experts only.

  7. Elijah Wallis says:

    We live in Tustin and got your name from several sources, including the Bowers Museum. It is nice to find your info and website. Well done.

  8. Adam says:

    “Thanks for the Contact Details, it is very nbecessary..
    I would contact you soon..
    Cause I feel that you are the best person who could help restoration of one of my best childhood pic..
    Whgic I would Love to show to all my grand grand and grand generation…”

  9. Mark says:

    I’ve looked over a few pages including the testimonials and I can see that you are well known in OC and come down here often. I’ll give you a call.

  10. Lika says:

    I have read many blogs on the subject i.e. Paint Restoration and this one rocks! I found you when I searched: Orange County – Painting Restoration, Art Restoration, Art Conservation, Painting Conservation, Repair Art – Laguna, Newport
    Great Article.

  11. Suzaine says:

    Great article. Thanks

  12. Luca Norman says:

    I have read a number of blogs on painting restoration for my art history classes and I found your blog useful for my classes and more interesting than all the others. Thanks!

  13. BJ Bellotti says:

    Looking for conservator to restore pencil on paper drawing from water damage & mold in Orange County.

  14. Danny says:

    On Mon, Oct 8, 2012 at 10:34 AM, wrote:
    Dear Mr. Haskins,
    I have a PP 2/4 done on archival paper and sealed. I wish to inquire if you would be so kind as to clean away a small bug splatter from between the paper and glass, I believe it to be a weevil or silverfish. I need to have it removed as soon as possible as to avoid staining of the paper. Do you visit Southern Orange County, San Clemente to be specific? Or do you have a location down here where I may bring the artwork to you? Please advise at your earliest convenience.
    Thank you,

    • Scott M. Haskins says:

      Thanks for inquiring. The work that needs to be done is not critical that an art conservator do the work. Any experienced framer should be able to do this for you very competently and at a fraction of the cost that I would charge you. To answer specifically your question as to my availability; while I am in OC often, I am working out of state (Utah and NV) for the second half of this month and will not be down your way within the next couple of weeks.
      Once again, thanks for inquiring!.
      Best wises,
      Scott M. Haskins

  15. Chuck Gordon says:

    Qualified restorers are difficult to locate. I am pleased you do work in the Palm Springs area. I am very impressed with your website and appreciated the opportunity to discuss my painting with you.

    Chuck Gordon

    • Scott M. Haskins says:

      Thanks Chuck for the comment and I look forward to connecting with you about your large 1960’s abstract painting. As I said on the phone, I will be delivering some completed projects in PS in a month or so and we can coordinate a visit for then. All my best and looking forward to meeting with you.

  16. Jason Tuell says:

    I’ve been calling around to the Getty and the Bowers and both recommended you. It seems that others think you’re work is amazing! I look forward to meeting with you about my painting and I’m thrilled that you’ll come to see me so quickly in Santa Ana.

  17. Celia Turley says:

    Everyone is just amazed at the beautiful work you did on our painting! Thank everyone at your office for the wonderful experience of working with you.

  18. Sandy Maddox says:

    We are glad to know about your services in Tustin. We’ve been very disappointed with the quality of the art conservation services we’ve found with the last three attempts to work with professionals. Your availability and door to door service will actually make you easier to work with than someone in our own city. Thank you for being available. We look forward to talking with you.

    • Scott M. Haskins says:

      Update: I had a very nice phone meeting with Sandy. Then I went to their offices and met with her and the staff in charge of their collection. I toured and discussed problems with the director. Then a week or so later, returned to pick up the first painting (“that was messed up by the previous restorer”) that we are working on now in our lab. For a tour of our facility, click on this link:

  19. Brady Martin says:

    I got your name from the Bower’s Museum. So I went online and was please to find lot of info about you. Thanks for your videos on YouTube! they were fun to watch. I look forward to speaking with you.

  20. Tommy Sanderson says:

    There doesn’t seem to be any other professional available for painting restoration in the Tustin area. But more than that, you are the best service provider as I have read a lot about you on the internet. Thanks for being available. I’ll give you a call.

  21. James Marque says:

    Thank you for the good info. We have a large collection of 19th century paintings and other art items. We have recently decided to no longer work with the inept restorer that we have been using. Your videos, articles and info are very good and we would like very much to meet with you at our location to get acquainted and show you our collection. We are located in Costa Mesa. Can we give you a call?

    • Scott M. Haskins says:

      James, I was in Costa Mesa yesterday! Sorry to have missed you! In fact, yesterday, I was the featured expert lecturer at the Laguna Festival of Art. I would very much like to meet with you at your location, which I believe we can set up for next week if you like, and I will not charge you for the introductory visit. My email address is and my office number is 805 564 3438. Talk to you soon. Scott

  22. Giorgia Campos says:

    I’m pleased to find out about your services and expertise. I am looking for an expert witness in art related insurance claims that are contested.

    • Andy says:

      I was going to leave a comment of my own but I’ll respond to Giorgia’s comment. Scott’s been working with my firm (we’re out of Santa Ana) providing the art related expert witness insurance related services for some years now. No one has the integrity, is more organized and is more professional and credible than Scott and his office. They are great to work with.

  23. Scott M. Haskins says:

    Thanks Jeffery, see you there.

  24. Cindy Dunnis says:

    Thanks for this info and I enjoyed looking through it. Interesting work you have and it seems you are very good at what you do. I’ll call.

  25. Sandy Beebe says:

    Great info and just what I needed to know. I’ve been looking for reliable referrals but have found them difficult to come by. I ended up calling some Early California Art galleries and spoke to George Stern Fine Arts in LA who highly recommended your name but I thought that you would be too far away. But, HERE YOU ARE AGAIN! Your door to door service make you easier to work with than someone in my own city (whom I can’t locate anyway).

  26. It’s amazing the difference the restoration can make. My grandmother has some I think could definitely benefit from this.

  27. Michelle says:

    I love your blog. Its been really interesting for me to read as I study Art History. Our professor told us about you. Cheers

  28. Julian says:

    I have heard about your reputation from a number of my friends and all are very much satisfied by your service. They have also recommended you as the best art conservator and would like to work with you again. All the very best to you.

  29. Victoria says:

    I have a friend who has a lot of art in her home. I was talking to her Dad and he gave me some ideas about collecting. So, I’ve been buying lots of art from garage sales etc. Its been really fun. So, I have an antique painting which I bought but its really dirty and I want to clean the painting. I think its a pretty good one and I want it to show off its best colors. Can we meet so I can talk to you. I live in Corona del Mar.

    • Scott M. Haskins says:

      Victoria, Thanks for your note and I can imagine the fun you are having. Yes, let’s meet. I come to Corona del Mar to meet other clients. Call me at 805 564 3438

  30. Emma says:

    Wow! You’ve been working since 1975! It’s great to see you’ve been in our area (Santa Ana) since 1984. Though I’ve stayed close to where I’ve grown up in a family with lots of art, I had not heard of your company. Since I’m studying art history, the idea of taking care and restoring art seems much more important to me now… at least I’m much more aware of it. I hope I get to meet you some day.

  31. Jenny says:

    I volunteer at the Laguna Art Festival grounds and because I’m an art history student I’ve been interested in the art collection there. So, I’ve have heard about Scott M. Haskins and his company but had no clear idea about what services they actually provide. I know Scott as a Fine Art Conservator but I am really moved by the brilliant service he provides. Everyone here holds him in high esteem.

  32. James says:

    In my family we love our paintings more than anything in the world. So, I am really very happy to read your blog. Its our responsibility to conserve and restore old paintings and the service that you provide, quality professional conservation work, is very rare to find. Its good to hear/see for whom you’ve done work. Thanks

  33. Nancy says:

    Your client coverage is large and it’s great to know that some of your important clients stay in Las Vegas. I too stay there and it’s really good to know that you deal with private clients also. Thanks for mentioning the contact details. I must note them down and contact you if necessary.

  34. Phil says:

    Thanks for your work on my bucking bronco painting. The rip disappearing was expected but the cleaning startled me. I still can’t believe all that color was under the gray crud… which I never really was aware of! Wow. I always enjoy connecting with you and our chats. Thanks, as always, for the exceptional quality work and the professional service. (Balboa, Newport Beach)

  35. Karen says:

    I’m an art history student and thanks for sharing your blog with lots of useful information. Also, I’ll tell my best friend’s Dad about this who has a collection of paintings. Maybe she would need your help at any time.

  36. Lisa says:

    We never talk about conservation of art in our classes in school. Strange, cause it seems like it would be really important to know this stuff. Doesn’t knowing more about condition and preservation of paintings apply to lots of different types of jobs a person could get? The disaster part of planning is important too. I’l stay in touch. This info is good.

  37. Eric says:

    I was talking about this with my Dad who collects. I’m learning from him and getting into the buying and selling part of things. Obviously, knowing about people who do what you do is fundamental. I like the idea of your on site evaluations and pick up and delivery service in our area (Tustin). I look forward to connecting. Do you allow people to come to your lab for visits?

    • Scott M. Haskins says:

      Yes, Eric, I have people come and visit. Give me a call and we’ll roll out the red carpet. 805 564 3438

  38. Rosalind says:

    It’s great to know that after getting a call from the client you set up a personal visit to evaluate the artwork and then offer the estimate for no fee. It really helps if you come my house (Newport Beach) instead of me having to take the painting to your office. I think what I have is valuable and I’m uneasy about carrying it around. Thanks for your service and I’ll give you a call.

  39. Eva Cassidy says:

    You have an impressive list of clients you deal with. I’m amazed that a restorer not only preserves, conserves and repairs paintings but offers innumerable services as a consultant, a legal art expert and even advices how to save the stuff from a disaster. I guess I had the wrong… or outdated, idea of what restoration of art is. Really, it’s admirable and thanks for this really interesting website.

  40. Jan in Laguna says:

    I bought an old painting while on a European trip many years ago that seemed very discolored or dark to me. So I gave it to Scott (who came and evaluated it at my home, then took it and redelivered it… convenient!). I had gotten Scott’s name from the director of the Laguna Arts Festival for whom Scott does consulting, lectures and workshops. I was so pleased and surprised at the total transformation and good work. It was done on time and on budget. He even threw in a few free touch ups on the frame. Thanks Scott and the rest of you at FACL.

  41. David says:

    I have a canvas painting which I inherited from my great grand-father. Now, perhaps, its time to get it repaired and to restore its beauty. While searching for searching such services in the area, I visited your site and I am quite impressed by your videos and the service you offer. Hope to call you soon.

  42. William says:

    I have heard about you and the excellent service that you provide from one of my colleagues. Glad to find you on the net again with my search. My colleague was very much satisfied by your service and recommended you as one of the best service providers on painting restoration.

    • Scott M. Haskins says:

      Thanks William, I’m grateful for the referral. In fact, much of our work arrives via referrals. I look forward to hearing from you.

  43. Della says:

    Its interesting to know you work on murals too. That’s nice. Now-a-days conservation of mural paintings has become more known and news worthy… even famous, maybe. You and your team seem to do a great job. Old paintings and fine arts are an important part of our history and they should be preserved, for sure. By providing the various types of repair work on painting and public art you are serving society. Thanks for doing it.

  44. Nina says:

    It’s great to know that you do art conservation and painting restoration work in the Palm Spring area, Los Angeles. One of my friends living in that area is desperately searching for such art conserving services. He would be happy after getting your details. Thanks for sharing such useful information on net.

  45. Alice says:

    Your lab is excellent. The video is quite interesting. Whatever you have mentioned about your service by proving various video links and details would be quite alluring for those looking for restoration of old art and paintings. Hope you get a number of calls and emails for your further orders by a large number of readers.

  46. Peter says:

    I have one family heirloom picture which I need to conserve for my next generations. I will soon contact you. After reading your blog, I think you are the best to deal with this. Thanks for giving the contact details. See you soon.

  47. Reba K says:

    Thanks for providing the links and telephone numbers. I think it would be of a great help to all those who wants to contact with you. Reading your blog seems that you provide an excellent service to your clients. I must share this with my friends and colleagues so that they too can contact you if necessary.

  48. Cilena says:

    Thanks for sharing such an informative article. You are doing a great job and helping out people to restore the age old paintings. It is very much necessary to conserve the fine arts and paintings. Your client list is quite impressive and hope you put your best efforts for the job you are assigned with.

  49. Mike F. says:

    My wife and I do some collecting and we feel we were really lucky to have met FACL at the LA Art Show at the LA Convention Center a couple of years ago. Scott’s whole office is a great group to work with and we appreciate the door to door service. Mostly we expected to talk to Scott about cleaning etc our paintings but Scott has helped us know what to do to earthquake proof our paintings, collectibles, crystal etc. His instructional video has been really good and we have appreciated the personal instruction/lesson. So, thanks Scott for all you are doing for us. We enjoy very much our business and association. Mike F., Tustin

  50. Rob Reinhart says:

    I have had Scott do art restoration for me since 2003. He’s the bomb and always does a great job. In fact, I always give him my difficult projects. I shop in Europe and he’s saved my butte a couple of times when I bought stuff that was not in as good a shape as I thought. He has also helped me with research and analysis on authentication projects. Use him. You will not be sorry. Rob Reinhart, Costa Mesa

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