Historical Society Webinars, Book Award, Mural Conservation… its been a busy week!!

I’m aghast!! The last blogpost was Aug 14th!! That went by quick… We’ve got a lot going on and every other day seems like Friday. There are lots of fun, interesting and new things goin’ on at Fine Art Conservation Laboratories so let me tell you quickly about the last 10 days.

The actual day for our award ceremony on Zoom was Sept 19th, but this last week, Diane Stevenett and I (Scott M. Haskins), co-authors of the new book, received the International Book Award for being the Best Pet Care Guide Book (available as soft cover and Kindle on Amazon) https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-Your-Pet…/dp/B08GVJLPGL/ This last week our International Book Award hardware for the Best Pet Care Guide Book arrived from Toronto, Canada and that was fun!

We also received our 1st shipment of our newly published book, How To Save Your Pet From A Disaster (Available on Amazon) and that was exciting! In pat, thank to Covid for quarantining me so I could dedicate the time to get this book written, edited, published… all done in the last couple of months.

When 2 X NY Times Best Selling Author (of 2 Chicken Soup For The Soul Books and many many more) Raymond Aaron heard of our new book being written and after he saw the manuscript, he insisted that he write our Forword for us!! He was so excited for quality content and usefulness of the book that he recommended us for this award and, voila’, we received the award from Toronto Canada… before we even had the published book in hand (but its up on Amazon ready for orders). The award is given for “Best Guide Book for Protecting & Saving Loved HousePets and Treasured Collectibles.” Beside the discount price on Amazon, the book purchase includes a continuing education of preservation tips and reminders of things to do and to remind you of why you thought the book was a good idea (so you don’t leave the book forgotten on your shelf…) https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-Your-Pet…/dp/B08GVJLPGL/

Some years ago after a major earthquake in the Los Angeles area, as a result of my reputation for decades of excellence in the field of professional art conservation, I was asked to provide practical instructions for collection care of art, antiques and collectibles by the marketing genius Dorothy Adams. When the Bank of America Corporation distributed over 1/2 million copies of that publication, I became an author and the Save Your Stuff series was born.

International book award for “Best Pet Care Guide Book” Don’t mix heirlooms with pets!

I am honored to author this 4th edition in the series with my co-author, associate and friend, Diane Stevenett. And we are thrilled that How To Save Your Pet From A Disaster has received this highly deserved recognition by the publishing industry for its value in the how-to fields of pet care, emergency preparedness and collection care at home.

We thank 10-10-10 Publishing in Toronto Canada for this honor and for the support of mega-celebrity-author and 2 X NY Times Best Selling Author Raymond Aaron’s inspirational foreword to the book and his organization’s support. https://www.amazon.com/How-Save-Your-Pet…/dp/B08GVJLPGL/

An original historical component of the Spanish Vejar Ranch in Pomona CA

Also in the last 10 days, I helped to put on 2 webinars for historical society museums that were attended by over 100 people and helped to raise money… and there was LOTS of positive energy with them. The Historical Society of Pomona Valley held a well attended webinar this week to celebrate, preserve and restore a valuable original painting, this madonna (detail) which is part of California history and the 1837 Vejar Ranch. Cudoes to Mike Schowalter and team for a successful event… more to come so stay tuned! Very interesting if you like Spanish Colonial art and CA history!

By Victor Arnuatoff 1941

The Richmond Museum of History and Culture directed by the spirited and energetic Executive Director, Melinda McCrary, will be having a follow up webinar on Tues. Nov. 10th. More to come about this WPA mural and its super important artist who painted this mural in a Bay Area town where battleships were produced for WWII… a BIG deal!!

Virginia Haskins Panizzon and Scott M. Haskins ( Julie Stephenson who is assisting on the mural conservation project isn’t in the picture) working on Richmond: Industrial City by Victor Arnautoff 1941. There will be a webinar on Nov. 10th 7 pm sponsored by the Richmond Museum of History and Culture (Exec. Dir. Melinda McCrary) that promises to be entertaining, educational… even fun and an evening not to miss for collectors as Scott M. Haskins, author, will be giving tips to attendees for taking care of their stuff at home. Stay tuned for more info.

Also, in the past 10 days, I went to Salt Lake City, Utah, did pick up and deliveries and consulted with clients. In the process, I picked up a very cool painting with a really nice frame that was once owned by Napoleon which is going to be very interesting for art conservation treatments.

Oh yeah, and I voted!!! Keep up the positive energy!

Let’s chat about your collection or inherited art!

Scott M. Haskins

805 564 3439


About Scott M. Haskins

Scott Haskins has been in professional art conservation since 1975, specializing in the conservation/restoration of easel paintings, murals and art on paper. FACL, Inc. is known nationally for doing A+ work no matter the size or difficulty of the project. We are happy to do a quick cleaning on a family heirloom. Our client list and resume is also full of very satisfied clients of large, difficult/complicated projects at remote locations. Excellent services are also available as an Expert Witness/Legal Testimony in art related matters. Consultation on art related projects occur regularly including extensive insurance evaluations for insured or insurer. Services are offered worldwide. Scott M. Haskins is also author of the "Save Your Stuff" series, educational information, materials and supplies to help people protect and save their treasured family heirlooms and collectibles at home and office. He can be reached at 805 564 3438. Video and written testimonials at https://www.fineartconservationlab.com/testimonials/
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