Mural Conservation Treatments and Historic Preservation Studies Discover Important Italian Artwork and History In The Garda Lake Area

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Magical murals are being discovered from the early 1600s in northern Italy that are an amazing example of the genius of illusion that started in Italy and then became the European Baroque standard of beauty. Historic preservation and mural conservation efforts are discovering these treasures in the town of Lonato del Garda on Garda Lake, between Verona and Brescia in Northern Italy.

Scott M. Haskins, Principle at FACL, mural and painting conservator, author is a technical and media consultant on this project (805 564 3438 office, He has had connections with interesting art restoration projects in Northern Italy since 1975 and is honored and excited to be associated with a world class project that is rediscovering 900 years of masterpiece quality murals that even the local public is not aware of. The artwork is being studied by art historians and scholars as new details are discovered during the mural conservation which include the removal of layer of overpaint that have obliterated some of the murals and amazing stucco sculptures for centuries. The ceiling affrescos are particularly noteworthy as they are very early (1625) examples of Illusionistic Italian Baroque art expression that became all the rage internationally during the next 150 years.

Ask how you, your family, your organization can have a long lasting, historical influence on, and be recognized for, the art history and historic preservation in this north Italian, Garda Lake region and gain special access for visits, tours, and access to local food products.

The complex with the murals etc is next to this medieval fortress

Garda Lake has been a highly appreciated resort area since Roman times and therefore has always attracted the highest quality craftsmen and artists. On one side of the lake is Brescia and the other side is Verona, both centers of culture, cuisine, viticulture, tourism… and “ the good life.” Garda Lake is a unique combination of Alpine and Mediterranean flavors. It is an area where viticulture goes back to pre-Roman times, lemons are grown and where olive trees are a distinctive feature of the landscape. The region around Garda Lake is one of the most varied and colorful cultural destinations in Europe for the highest quality artistic and cultural traditions, its natural resources and environment and its incomparable culinary traditions. Internationally, well known, communities (even in Roman times) like Desenzano and Sirmione are right next door to Lonato. Practically out the back door of the complex that houses the murals of this project is a medieval fortress, used even by the Venetian Republic into the 1700’s. Venice’s influence on the art in this area is clearly evident. At the turn of the head, in the location of this historic preservation project, 700 years of top quality architecture can be viewed.

As often happens in Italy, the outside of the building where the murals of this project are housed does not reflect the treasure contained within.

In addition to the main vault of the nave, are additional areas of Venetian influenced affrescos and decorative stucco work that is amazing. The preservation and professional restoration of these works of art, and the entire building complex, has taken decades. At the time these murals were painted, perhaps the greatest Baroque master was Tintoretto in Venice and his impressionistic painting technique was 200 years ahead of its time. That same quality can be seen in these murals!

Italian painting conservators Sandra Ragazzoni and Luisa Pari  (39 329 0116712 head the art conservation team working on the murals in the Church of Santa Maria del Corlo. Scott M. Haskins, painting and mural conservator from the USA is part of the conservation team as consultant and trouble shooter.(805 564 3438 office,

This project is supported by: The Community of Lonato del Garda, the ProLoco Fondazione Madonna del Corlo – O.N.L.U.S ( Ente proprietario della chiesa Madonna del Corlo), The Lombardy Dept of Tourism, The Wine Growers of Northern Italy, The Lombardy Region of Northern Italy, Italian Dept. of Tourism, The University of ……, The Catholic Church and FACL, inc. (Fine Art Conservation Laboratories) in California, USA.

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About Scott M. Haskins

Scott Haskins has been in professional art conservation since 1975, specializing in the conservation/restoration of easel paintings, murals and art on paper. FACL, Inc. is known nationally for doing A+ work no matter the size or difficulty of the project. We are happy to do a quick cleaning on a family heirloom. Our client list and resume is also full of very satisfied clients of large, difficult/complicated projects at remote locations. Excellent services are also available as an Expert Witness/Legal Testimony in art related matters. Consultation on art related projects occur regularly including extensive insurance evaluations for insured or insurer. Services are offered worldwide. Scott M. Haskins is also author of the "Save Your Stuff" series, educational information, materials and supplies to help people protect and save their treasured family heirlooms and collectibles at home and office. He can be reached at 805 564 3438. Video and written testimonials at
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