Estimating art conservation projects properly is the foundation for a profitable business. Yet, it often seems like a mix of voodoo, guessing and high risk. This year’s 2015 CIPP annual meeting will give you practical insights into the thinking process of estimating in addition to practical help with examples of estimating forms and tools utilized by other professionals. Sign up for the meeting NOW by clicking here
Here are some of the subjects we are trying to provide for you:
- The thinking process
- Forms to use
- Estimating government projects
- Working with General Contractors
- Communication with clients
- Estimating “normal” projects
- Estimating “huge” projects
- Discuss “business tools”, electronic tools and software that help with estimating
Would you be willing to “give back” to the profession 😀 and share with others an estimating form? Your insights and thoughts? Share with us an app you use? A software program? We are looking for estimating info from every discipline of the profession. Your “share” can be simple or complicated… but its only for 5-10 minutes. In fact, if you would like to share a form, app or tool but NOT get up and speak, then we can distribute your info just the same. We would LOVE to hear from you!! AND I NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU IMMEDIATELY. Please contact Scott M. Haskins, CIPP Vice-Chair and Co-Program Chair to offer your participation: or call my mobile at 805 570 4140.
Have general comments about this meeting? Leave them below. TTYS!
P.S. One way or another we plan to make this info available to all CIPP members who want it. We may post the gathered estimating information on the CIPP website and as an added benefit to CIPP members, the estimating session as a follow up to the annual meeting is planned to be the subject of a CIPP webinar (no schedule yet).